
Goals in 2023

Hey! Happy new year, everyone! 🎉 We are now in 2023. I hope all of us will be doing excellent this year. Have you thought about your goals in 2023, yet? I kinda have a few. So, I'll go first. Possibly similar to my friends, one of my goals in 2023 is to be accepted at my dream university through the SNBP or SNBT track (preferably the SNBP track). Come on, let's face the reality, who doesn't want to be accepted at their dream university anyway? Almost everyone, including me, wants that. My reason for having this particular goal is that it can be something that will make my parents happy. Of course, every parent wants the best for their children, such as enrolling in a top university in the country or perhaps in the world! Besides that, another reason is that I see college or university as a process to enriching our insight, connections, and skills. It possibly can also support our future careers. Currently, I personally believe that many jobs in the future will require a ba

News Item

On 23rd August 2022, Ms. Wiwin taught English in my class.  In English class, I learned about ''News Item''. News Item Text is a kind of text that provides information about an important event that deserves to be news. Ms. Wiwin taught us about the generic structure of news items. There are three structures:  1. Newsworthy events = recounts the event in a summary form. 2. Background events = elaborate on what happened and tell what caused the incident. 3. Sources = comments by participants, witnesses, and experts involved in the events. To make it more clear, Ms. Wiwin gave us an example of a news item along with the identification of the structures. Here is an example from her: Next, Ms. Wiwin divided the class into groups and gave us the assignment to rewrite a news article from the internet and identify the structures. I was in group 7 with Sutan, Nafisah, and Priyazmi. We look up on Google the newest article. Then, Nafisah found an article about a woman believed to

My Passion and What I Want To Do in the Future

Hi, folks! How have you been? I hope all of you are happy as always! As you've seen from the title above, I want to talk about my passion and what I want to do in the future. For my passion, let's flashback to my childhood, where it all began. I will tell you all types of arts that I've participated in from kindergarten to junior high school. It all started when I enrolled in a kindergarten in BSD City, South Tangerang. One time, I saw drawings of other kindergartners in my school's corridor. I thought they were excellent drawings. Since then, I wanted to be able to draw as great as them. So, I enrolled in drawing and coloring lessons near my house. In the drawing and coloring lessons, I was taught the basic methods of coloring and how to combine and create unmonotonous colors. Since then, I was often participated in drawing competitions representing my school, both in kindergarten and elementary school. I've experienced losing and winning in many competitions. When

All About Me

Hi! Good day, everyone! My name is Shafiqa Aliya Harahap. You can call me Caca for short. I currently live in Bandung, Jawa Barat. I was born in Jakarta on 3rd May 2005. I've turned 17 years old now.  In 2020, I graduated from SMP Insan Rabbany. I am now a student in SMAN 3 Bandung. Currently, I am in my senior year or twelfth grade majoring in social studies. SMAN 3 Bandung is quite tough and challenging. There are a lot of assignments, events, club activities, and more. But I also learn many things here, like time management, critical thinking, analyzing, and more. I enjoy watching youtube videos and listening to music during my free time. I love to listen to classical music since I play the piano. Honestly, my piano skill isn't great. There are many things that I still need to learn. My favorite composers are Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt. Not only classical music, but I also love to listen to pop music. Besides listening to music, I find drawing enjoyable to spend my free