My Passion and What I Want To Do in the Future

Hi, folks!

How have you been? I hope all of you are happy as always! As you've seen from the title above, I want to talk about my passion and what I want to do in the future.

For my passion, let's flashback to my childhood, where it all began. I will tell you all types of arts that I've participated in from kindergarten to junior high school. It all started when I enrolled in a kindergarten in BSD City, South Tangerang. One time, I saw drawings of other kindergartners in my school's corridor. I thought they were excellent drawings. Since then, I wanted to be able to draw as great as them. So, I enrolled in drawing and coloring lessons near my house.

In the drawing and coloring lessons, I was taught the basic methods of coloring and how to combine and create unmonotonous colors. Since then, I was often participated in drawing competitions representing my school, both in kindergarten and elementary school. I've experienced losing and winning in many competitions. When I win a competition, I feel satisfied and proud of my hard work. Some of the competitions that I won in the past that I am quite proud of are when I won 2nd place in the drawing and coloring competition, age 4-6 years old category, at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) and 1st place in drawing competition, elementary school category, at Insan Cendekia Madani.

I've tried various kinds of art. When I was in elementary school, besides drawing, I also tried drama or theater, traditional dance, music, and painting. From all of the types of art that I've experienced, I am not a fan of drama and traditional dance. So, I no longer participate in those two extracurriculars.

For painting, I feel pleased when I'm painting. I had painting lessons for around one year. Usually, I would paint plants or landscapes. Here are some paintings I've painted before:

For music, I had viola lessons at first. But then, I had a hard time learning the viola. So, I chose to quit learning the viola. I believe that it is just not meant for me. Instead, I decided to take piano lessons like my brother. I made the right choice, I love the piano. My favorite composers are Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt. I'm in love with Liszt's piece called "Liebestraume no.3". It is a lovely piece and truly touches my heart!

When I was in junior high school, I tried traditional dancing again, specifically the Saman or Ratoeh Jaroe dance. I took the extracurricular and it was a lot of fun.

When I was in junior high school, I also learn digital drawing, self-taught. I enjoy watching anime and reading comics. So, my drawing style tends toward cartoon and anime styles. Here are some digital drawings that I made:

It is clear that I have had a passion for art since I was little. Therefore, when I was in the 9th grade, I desired to study Visual Communication Design (DKV) or maybe Product Design at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Thus, in high school, I chose to major in social studies. Apart from the fact that the DKV accepts majors in science or social studies, I prefer social studies. 

However, since I entered high school, I rarely took the time to draw. I was too focused on academics. This makes me worried, "Do I really want to study visual communication design at ITB?" I still ask myself this question often.

Because I was indecisive, I looked up other majors that I thought I was interested in and capable of. Then, I listed several majors that pique my interest, such as psychology, management, administration business, communication management, and digital business. I truly want to continue my education by majoring in psychology at Padjadjaran University (UNPAD). Unfortunately, psychology at Padjajaran University is not for the Social Studies major. That hope was gone for me. The remaining options are management major (SBM-ITB and UNPAD), administration business (UNPAD), communications management (UNPAD), and digital business (UNPAD).

What I can do now is study diligently, do lots of prayer and duas to Allah, and convince my heart which major I truly want to go to. Whatever choice that I chose in the end, I want to believe that this is the best choice from Allah for me. I hope that I can graduate from high school and university smoothly. Also, I want to study and work in a positive environment. If I have the opportunity in the future, I would love to continue my master's degree abroad. As for the country to study abroad, I prioritize countries that have English as their primary language, such as England or New Zealand. For countries whose primary language is not English, I want to study in Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea, or Japan. Why do I want to study abroad? Because studying abroad is my dream and goal since high school. I believe that studying abroad can allow me to open up new perspectives and develop. I want to see, feel, and experience the education system outside Indonesia, specifically in advanced countries. 

Phew! I believe that it is enough for now. I've told you a long story. I'll see you in the next post!



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